Summit Elementary School I Oconomowoc, WI
The 76,830 square foot elementary school in the Oconomowoc School District replaced an aging facility built in 1911. The facility houses 525 students in grades K-6. It is a single story design with four classroom pods clustered around the building’s core facilities. The center of the pod has generous daylighting, and contains a special education resource room, small group instruction area, and an open flexible space for computers, project work and group activities.
Incorporating cool daylighting was a primary goal of the District. Strategies in the design included daylighting in classrooms with sunshading and daylighting to internal spaces, including the library, cafeteria, gymnasium and classroom commons. Daylight trackers control lights in response to the available natural light.
Items from the old facility were incorporated into the new school, including the school bell displayed in the entrance area.